The Hottest Hot Pepper Quiz

The Scoville Scale is a measurement of the spicy heat of a pepper, with the scale ranging from 0 (no heat) to over 2 million. The number of Scoville Heat Units (SHU) indicates the amount of capsaicin present in a pepper, which is the compound that gives peppers their heat. The higher the SHU, the hotter the pepper.

Carolina Reaper: 2,200,000 – 2,800,000 Scoville Heat Units (SHU)
Trinidad Scorpion: 1,400,000 – 2,000,000 SHU
Ghost pepper (Bhut Jolokia): 855,000 – 1,041,427 SHU
Scotch Bonnet: 100,000 – 350,000 SHU
Habanero pepper: 100,000 – 350,000 SHU
Red Savina habanero: 350,000 – 577,000 SHU
Jalapeno pepper: 2,500 – 8,000 SHU
Poblano pepper: 1,000 – 2,000 SHU
Bell pepper: 0 – 100 SHU
